Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

thanks god its FRIDAY

thank god its Friday, associated with maulid prophet, so no school today, it's good! could eventually break, too, from yesterday's wealthy really busy, now finally able to relax too hahahaha:)
confused want doing, want to hang out but the heat outside, @ home just to play computer or watch DVDs. It's so boring !! I suddenly want to have a boyfriend (?) but who wants to be my boyfriend HAHAHAHA (laughing) I wish I had someone like him.
perhaps my days would be very nice. fortunately I have friends who are good
♥ ♥ (aliska, geta, zahra, kaninta, kiky, muthia, & viky) ♥ ♥ ♥ miss my friends

------> OHYA, good race for KANINTA & VIKY show me the best ya .. good luck!!

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