my worries weigh the world how i used to be and everything seems a plague in me and its hard to say how i feel today for years gone by, and i cried
it's hard to say that i was wrong its hard to say I miss you since you've been gone it's not the same it's hard to say i held my tongue it's hard to say if only since you've been gone it's not the same
Well,my choicetoschoolsfarfrommy house,orboardingschoolisatoughdecision.First,because my schoolis veryfar,soI amsoverydistantwith Mr.And it wasso painful!Slowlybutsurelyitcanevenkill me.Ohno!Thatshould nothappen,shouldn't be!So,whatShould Idonow?look forothermotivations, other boy?Well,IthinkI could not finda betterboythanhim.Oh, How sweetme :)) If he knows.
Karya tulis.. Sungguh pising bukan main aku memikirkannya.. Hening, pusing, pening.. Ya, itulah yang aku rasakan saat mengerjakan Karya Tulis.. berdiam diri di depan laptop dengan mata merem melotot nahan ngantuk buang suntuk aku makan kerupuk tiba-tiba aku batuk TERKEJUT!! melihat adikku dengan lincah menyium lutut.. "HEBAT!!" sahutku.. Kerupuk pun habis hingga gigitan terakhir, semua hiburan pun telah berakhir.. mau gak mau aku pun balik ke tugas yang gak real ini.. tugas yang belum aku tau kapan kelarnya tapi tidak mengapa, aku tetap harus bersabar.. demi kelancaran.. kubaca basmallah.. Ku coba kejakan perlahan perlahan dan perlahan.. Ya! Cukup sudah aku lelah kemudahan dan inspirasi gemilang itu tak kunjung tiba.. aku PASRAH..
For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful baby You're the one who held me up Never let me fall You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me
You were always there for me The tender wind that carried me A light in the dark shining your love into my life You've been my inspiration Through the lies you were the truth My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me
Finally, i decided to deactive my facebook account. because i feel so very many problems that come from facebook-__- i just wanna say good bye (wave) maybei will not go to facebook, again?
iya, emang aku naksir bgt sm rifky, tp dia jauh kak:'((aku gatau jadinya gimana:'(( tapi maaf* toh aku suka ga suka sm rifky, kalo aku deket sm pradit kakak jg sebel kan sm aku?
Kepada yang terhormat Pak Pratama selaku kepala sekolah, dan yang saya hormati ibu & bapak guru sekalian, dan teman-teman yang saya sayangi.
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Allah SWT atas segala nikmat dan anugerah yang Ia berikan, dan juga shalawat dan salam kita curahkan kepada nabi junjungan kita nabi Muhammad SAW beserta sahabat, keluarga, dan pengikutnya hingga akhir zaman, amin.
Pendengar yang saya banggakan, sebagai manusia yang beriman tentu kita harus menjaga semua makhluk hidup yang diciptakan Allah SWT, termasuk Lingkungan Hidup. Sekarang ini banyak sekali orang yang menyepelekan hal itu, padahal Allah sangat membencinya, seperti yang disebutkan di Alqur’an...
“Dan janganlah kamu membuat kerusakan di muka bumi, sesudah (Allah) memperbaikinya dan berdo’alah kepada-Nya dengan rasa takut dan harapan. Sesungguhnya Allah amat dekat kepada orang yang berbuat baik.” (QS. 7 : 56)
Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini saya akan membahas tentang manusia dan lingkungan hidupnya. Sesungguhnya Manusia berasal dari tanah dan hidup dari dan di atas tanah. Hubungan antara manusia dan tanah sangat erat. Kelangsungan hidup manusia diantaranya tergantung dari tanah dan sebaliknya, tanahpun memerlukan perlindungan manusia untuk eksistensinya sebagai tanah yang memiliki fungsi. Allah SWT berfirman :
“Dan apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan bumi, berapakah banyaknya Kami tumbuhkan di bumi itu pelbagai macam tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang baik? Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat suatu tanda kekuasaan Allah. Dan kebanyakan mereka tidak Beriman.” (QS. 26 : 7-8)
Manusia telah diperingatkan Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya agar jangan melakukan kerusakan di bumi, akan tetapi manusia mengingkarinya. Allah SWT berfirman :
“Dan bila dikatakan kepada mereka: “Janganlah membuat kerusakan di muka bumi”,mereka menjawab: “Sesungguhnya kami orang-orang yang mengadakan perbaikan.” (QS. 2 : 11).
Keingkaran mereka disebabkan karena keserakahan mereka dan mereka mengingkari petunjuk Allah SWT dalam mengelola bumi ini. Sehingga terjadilah bencana alam dan kerusakan di bumi karena ulah siapa lagi, selain ulah tangan kita manusia.
NOW, kayanya udah siap deh buat fighting tuh anak hahaha(laughing&stress) okey, back to my love story(taylor swift) setelah melalui banyak persoalan, &masalah akhirnya ada suatu pelajaran yang aku dapatkan dari situ, yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ yes, what is it? is it me. intinya semua laki-laki tuh sama aja, sama maunya, sama manisnya, sama jahatnya, sama semua pokonya deh, cuma perbedaannya di waktu aja.. ya, you know lah what i mean~ maybe, kecuali ***** tp gatau juga sih, gak pernah denger kabar burung tentang dia nyakitin perempuan sih, ya kalo bisa sih jangan sampe denger apalgi bener terjadi, soalnya gue...............................hahahaha
*pokonya intinya gitu, yah simpulin sendiri aja deh hehe nownow, i don't know i was in love with whom(?) still traumatized, i think. so hard to trust someone anymore-,-
ah, ngomong apaya? speechless soalnya! ohya, sialan ada orang kepedean-_-yah gak usah disebut namanya deh, pokoknya sial sialan emang dasar tuh orang, ah kalo ketemu mau gue apain deh rasanya..mau gue fighting maybe(?)haha lagak gue, harus minta bantuan aliskaNN dulu kayanya.. ih sumfeh, PD bgt! ah najis deh kalo inget, mau gue...........................................
sorry blog, aku jarang update-_- okay the latest news from me;after I broke up with my boyfriend, i mean ex-bf. He soon found a new girlfriend, ouyeah! i was speechless-_-(so fast) and could only say; "congratulations, i hope you last forever, amin.."
dulu aku kau puja(?) dulu aku kau sayang(?) kini aku kau buang(?)kini aku malu!mana janji manismu(?) kini engkau pun pergi, saat ku terpuruk sendiri(?) haruskah kukatakan sesungguhnya, sejak kau berubah aku taksuka~
okay the latest news from me; I broke up with my boyfriend! oops, i mean my ex-bf, yeay! actually, aku gak tau kenapa bisa kaya gini:( suddenly, dia berubah:( maybe, aku belum bisa bikin dia seneng, or maybe there is someone better than me(?)but, it's okey.. without you i can do better! kau bukan segalanya, you know ha?!-__-
oh damn!having a boyfriend is not always nice, huh?sometimes, he can become someone we hate most!ohmygood, I swear now you is really really sucks!!!!!! but I don't know why(?)aku tetep gak bisa lupain kamu! aku tetep sayang kamu! tambah sayang malah! ahgeblek!!!
waktu disukbum gue sm temen2 ketemu anak santri pesantren gityuuu... sumfeh, anak pesantrennya bening banget terus keliatannya alim gimana gityuu soalnya kmn2 pake sarung sama peci gityuuu,temen gue sampe pada tergila-gila(lebay)tapi gue sih engga#whocares(?)
hello blog, today I go to school, there was a test weekend.hmm ... and then I saw the beep ***** hehehe. by the way, he's so funny i think, but ...... hahaha hard to make in expressing in words hihi. so, I think, may be i like him hahaha. but, I do not know who I was really rasain what not, oh please someone help me, let me know this feeling hahaha ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Ohmygod!you know what guys, now Indonesia's air is very hot, and I've turned on the AC, but still hot!! If only, Indonesian realize how dangerous this situation ..ooohh I can not imagine what will happens in our country the next 5 years, without the younger generation who care for the environment.
incredible feeling.That's the feeling I felt when I met heart was beating very fast when I met you,I do not know?probably barely expressed. HAHAHAHA I love you. love, love it,ohmygood!please let me know how you feel ? if you feel the same ? i hope soo (hopeless)
O God, is what I'm feeling right now?why every time I remember I always wanted to smile to myself ?This is it love at first sight ?O God, I hope it does not happen the same way again. I hope that I feel now is the best, amen.
today is the day Saturday, and tomorrow is a week. I entered high school NFBS tests. I was so nervous for tomorrow .. hopefully it would work, O God amen .. now I have to learn to read al-qur'an let smoothly, O God help me ..
gak sampe 2 minggu lagi gua UN, vakum ye. ya Allah semoga aku bisa mengerjakan soal UN nanti dengan mudah&mendapat nilai bagus&membanggakan orang tua ku. amin.. dan semoga asaja angkatan 6 lulus 100% amin. so I should like to leave computers, games, tv, phone, and most importantly left me feeling.. bye..
hey boy!now I already knew who && how do you actually, so I think I've lost feeling with you BOY!! so do not be arrogant, && also not too confident, you think I still love you as before HA?YOU MUST KNOW, NOW, TOMORROW, and so I never NEVER EVER want to LOVE YOU MORE LIKE BEFORE..
today was my best day, I was free to really look him hahaha. view surreptitiously hahaha, I was really glad along today, I haven't looked at the ***** as clear & happy like today hahaha
hello blog I'm very bored today, try out there at my school. so was the class 7 & 8 closed, school had become really quiet. and then I do not see the ***** it was very very boring ....
Saying I love you Is not the words I want to hear from you It's not that I want you Not to say, but if you only knew How easy it would be to show me how you feel More than words is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand All you have to do is close your eyes And just reach out your hands and touch me Hold me close don't ever let me go More than words is all I ever needed you to show Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying I love you
hey boy!why do you change like this?so sassy, so super-weird, I do not know now you know. please come back again like before, I miss you a quiet, innocent .. I want to love you again as before, but you reply like this I can't, just make me hurt.. aaaaaaaaaaa no matter what you, I still can not forget it you, I still love you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Masa semalem gua mimpi punya anak ? HAHAHAHA, tumben banget coba tapi tiba-tiba gua jadi mau punya anak beneran.. amin deh semoga abis gua nikah hehehe