Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

bincang bincang minggu pagi

tiba tiba pagi ini nyokap aneh---->>

"sarah , kamu nanti SMA d SMAIT aja , kan si R juga disitu !", kata nyokap.

kata gua , "dih maksutt !! mana mau si R masuk situ ?"

"dih , gak percaya amat ! kata kamu , kamu mau sampe kaya kita(parent) , kan kalo satu sekolah enak , bisa ketemu terus !! " , kata nyokap .

"jah, tumben ngebolehin?? yakin di restuin kalo sarah pacaran..?? (nanya+bingung+curiga) " , kata gua.

kata nyokap , "apa pun yang terbaik bust anak masa gak dibolehin? ya bolelah (gombal anget-anget tai kucing ) " , "tapi kamu masuk SMAIT aja ya ?? kan enak deket , bagus , gak mahal mahal amat lagi !!! (keteuan deh niatnya) "

(ah nyokap parah nyari sekolah , masa yg termurah parah parah !!)

Rabu, 11 November 2009


Buset , sekarang banyak banget yang suka sama lu R ? kenapa kali ? saingan gua nambah deh..
ah kenapa kali ade ade kelas ikut ikutan aja lu , gua dah ngincer setahooon nih haha ngalah dikit kenapa sih ? hehehe

Rabu, 16 September 2009

one day in my life

Rich , Healthy , Beautiful , Success , Saleh , Achievement , Karier , Philanthropist , Famous , Perfect , Happy Family , Happily ever after , amien .

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

complicated !

lama ga posting blog , tiba2 posting langsung curhat aja hehehe

saya mau cerita nih , pada suatu hari saya_______________________________
_______________________________lalu tiba tiba____________
_____________________________dan kemudian saya______________
ceritanya panjang banget , tapi yang pasti sekarang perasaan saya tuh lagi gimana ya ?#$^%^()& ya begitulah ga jelas , acak adul ga jelas banget , saya aja bingung sendiri hehehe .
Yaudah deh daripada semua pada ikutan bingung udahan aja deh ceritanya hahaha---> bbyebye...


No no no, dada da da, la la la ohh, heyyy

Member when at first i seen your eyes, captavaited, touching me inside,
went threw all the small talk to be with you, took my time try'n to get it back,

if i could understand, (understand) what called you here, it's for my good that i have you near

oh love, love is so complicated the way that i feel about you, (about you baby) make me wanna change my attitude, what i feel this here cant be real
(cant be real) i think i'm gonna chill right here cause i wanna be with you.

i long to kiss you girl, along your spine, give you mine, keep it souls replied, unplug the phone girl its just me and you, summerg in two, the deepest
part of you,

if i could understand (understand) what brought you here (what brought you here) its for my good that i have you near, (oh babe)

love, love is so complicated, the way that i feel about you (bout you) make me wanna change my attitude, (that's how i feel) What i feel this here cant
be real i think about you right here, ohh ohh, cause i wanna be with you

love, (love)love is so complicated, the way that i feel about you make me wanna change my attitude (change my ways baby) what i feel this here cant be
real, (cant be real) i think im gonna chill right here (ohhh oh ohh) cause i wanna be with you.

Sometimes i see (sometimes i see) that this is too good, to be real (to be real), (sometime) and every night i wonder, (i wonder) if you will be the one
(would you be the one, the one-)

love, love is so complicated the way that i feel about (ohhhh feel about you baby) you make me wanna change my attitude, what i feel this here cant be
real (cant be real) i think i'm gonna chill right here cause i wanna be with you,

love, (ohhhh looovee, heyy hey hey hey, loove) love is so complicated the way that i feel about you will make me wanna change my attitude, what i feel
this here cant be real (cant be real), i think i'm gonna chill right here (ohh no no no ohh oh no no no ohh oh) cause i wanna be with you,

love, love is so complicated, the way that i feel about you cause i wanna, i wanna be- .. yeahh-eahh

Love Is So Complicated - Anthony Hamilton

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

termehek mehek sama "Yoon Ji Hoo" alias kim hyun joong

lagi termehek-mehek sama kim hyun joong atau Yoon Ji Hoo di boys before flower , gatau kenapa gue jadi sukaaaaa banget ! pertama-tama gue liat dia ga suka , tapi kesini-sini lama-kelamaan ko jadi suka bangett yaa , gue baru nyadar coba kalo dia tuh ganteng dan keren bangett bangettttt tau haha..... apalagi waktu main di BBF ! coba aja pemain BBF ( Boys Before Flower ) dateng ke Indonesia ?! gua bakal usaha banget biar bisa nonton mereka live haha amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn...

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

kim hyun joong - because i'm stupid

nae mori-neun nomuna nappaso
no hanabakke nan moreugo
tareun sara-meul bogo-in-neun non
iron nae ma-eumdo moreuget-ji

noye haruwe naran optget-ji
tto chuokjo-cha optget-jiman
noman baraman bogo-in-neun nan
jakku nunmuri heureugoisso

noye dwin moseubeul
po-neungotdo nan haengbogiya
ajing naye ma-eu-meul mollado
ggeutnae seu-chideushi gado

niga nomu bogoshipeun naren
nomu kyondigi deun nare-neun
noreul saranghanda ibkae maemdora
honja dashi tto crying for you
honja dashi tto missing for you
Baby I love you
I’m waiting for you

noye haruwe nan optget-ji
tto giokjo-cha optget-jiman
noman baraman pogo-in-neun na
honja chuo-geul mandeulgo isso
naegen sarangiran a-reum-da-un sang-chogata
noye yeppeun misoreul bowado
hamkke nan ut-chido mothae

niga nomu saenggang-na-neun naren
kaseum shirigo seulpeun nare-neun
niga pogoshipda ibkae maemtora
honja dashi tto crying for you
honja dashi tto missing for you
Baby I love you
I’m waiting for you

Bye bye never say goodbye
irohke jabji mothajiman
I need you
amu maldo mothae
I want you
baraedo dashi baraedo

niga nomu bogoshipeun naren
nomu kyondigi deun nare-neun
noreul saranghanda ibkae maemdora
honja dashi tto crying for you
niga nomu saenggang-na-neun naren
kaseum shirigo seulpeun nare-neun
niga pogoshipda ibkae maemdora
honja dashi tto crying for you
honja dashi tto missing for you
Baby I love you
I’m waiting for you

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

kim hyun joong

Kim Hyun Joong is a male singer, actor and leader of boyband SS501.He was recently casted as Hanazawa Rui,or Yoon Ji Hoo,in the Korean version of South korean Hana Yori Dango

Date of Birth : June 6. 1986.

Birthplace : Seoul

Height : 181 cm

Weight : 68kg

Blood Type : Type B

Family : Father, Mother, Brother

Boys Over Flowers

Goo hye sun : Geum Jan Di

Lee min ho : Gu Jun Pyo

Kim hyun joong : Yoon Ji Hoo

Kim sang bum : So Yi Jung

Kim joon : Song Woo Bin

Kim so eun : Chu Ga Eul

Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

the best ;)

seneng deh , semester2 ini gua sekelas loh sama ade kelas gue yang paling ganteng haha , siapa lagi kalo bukan ***** ,udah ganteng banget , soleh , pinter lagi ? cewe mana coba yang ga suka sama
dia ? ( banyak banget ) ya terserah deh temen temen pengen bilang gua apa , yang jelas menurut gua ***** itu orang paling TOP di asta hehe . tempat duduk gue sama dia sih lumayan jauh tapi gua yakin ko hati gua deket ( cuih gombal ) setiap saat gua suka perhatiin dia ihhhh manis banget , apalagi tatapannya ituloh ( kaya tau aja ) yang pasti dia tuh cepet bgt ngerjain soal , gila tuh otak bisa limited gitu , di kasih makan apa kali tuh anak ? udah ganteng , pinternya masya Allah.. kadang gua jadi kaya orang bego kalo ngeliatin dia , suka berharap yang aneh2 misal , gue pernah berharap kalo dia nengok ke arah gua ? padahal itu kan ga mungkin bangett !!

(;D) semoga aja slama ini dia ga pernah tau kalo gua sering bgt ngeliatin dia , trus semoga aja dia ga pernah baca blok gua kalo dia baca , malu bgt gua

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

pria idaman gue ?

gue heran ko ada ya pria nyaris perfect kaya kak A A ? ih sumpah udah ganteng , soleh bgt , baik bgt , pinter masak , anak tekhnik lagi ( padahal biasa aja ) ih keren bgt sih lu kak , bikin gua termehek - mehek aja...ah soal umur gua bodo amat deh...kalo orangnya kaya dia 40th jg gua mau ( lebayy) tapi emg bener sih , pria kaya dia siapa coba yg ga mau ? secara , dia "pria idaman wanita" gitu hehe . yaudah deh udahan dulu ngomongin dia , jadi kangen gue haha bbyee..

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

ILFIL ( Ilang Feeling )

ILFIL bangeeeeeet deh gue..... ternyata cerita cerita kaya gitu tuh ada ya di kehidupan nyata ? gue kira cuma di SINETRON aja ? GATAUnya ada toh , ya ampun ga nyangka deh gue !

ah , ga usah basabasi lagi deh kayanya . Masa ya gue punya temen , sebenernya bukan temen sih tapi temen baik ato sahabat , friendship ya semacam itu lah tapi itu DULU , tapi sekarang ? aduh mikir mikir 1000 kali dulu deh buat jadi temennya apalgi jadi temen deket , tapi okelah FINE just say "HELLO" , tapi buat cerita masalah pribadi atau yang lainnya apalagi ngeggaulin dia dia ( engga deeeeeeeeehh ! ) kalo di bilang BEDA , emang gue tuh udah beda alam ma mereka , mereka tuh udah nyasaaarr , ya ga mungkin dong gue ngikutin orang orang yang jelas jelas salah jalan kaya mereka , mau gua tolongi juga aduuuuuh gimana ya ? mereka nyasaaarrnya udah jauh banget ~ entar yang ada gua ikutan nyasar u dadah bbeyy aja deh buat mereka
Ga percaya ama cerita gue, tanya aja deh ma temen gue !
baca juga tuh blognya

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

My First Love ( Nikka Costa )

Everyone can see

There's a change in me

They all say I'm not the same

Kid I use to be

Don't go out and play

I just dream all day

They don't know what's wrong with me

And I'm too shy to say

It's my first love

What I'm dreaming on

When I go to bed

When I lay my head upon my pillow

Don't know what to do

My first love

He thinks that I'm too young

He doesn't even know

Wish that I could tell him what I'm feeling

'cause I'm feeling my first love

Mirror on the wall

Does he care at all

Does he ever notice me

Does he ever found

Tell me teddy bear

My love is so unfair

Will I ever found away

An answer to my pray

For my first love...

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Betee sekalee !!

huaamm !! ngantuk nih , bete banget nih , kaangen banget nih sama doyy hehe males deh libur empat (4) hari , bete di rumah mending di sekola deh , bonyok gak ada , ade gua juga pada kemana kali nih ?? bete bnget lagi ngeliat nilai UB2 pada jelek jelek , taik bangett ahh...kenapa coba otak gua di takdirin pas2an ? coba kalo gua kaya joe sandyy , udah pinter , famous , nyokap gua pasti bangga kali ya sama gua hehe ngekhayal aja gua.....ahh pokoknya hari ini gua betek bangett !!

Senin, 27 April 2009

schedule for today

hay blog ! gue baru bangun tidur nih hehe padahal ga ada yang nanya !! aduh pengen deh makan nasi uduk ... tapi males jalannya , yaa ampun nih hari gua males banget !! oh ya , nanti siang gua mau ke rumah dina lho , mau rohis ( cieeeeeee anak rohis !! ) sebenernya gua bukan anak rohis sih , cuma daripada bete di rumah ? mending ikutikutan rohis , ada kiky viky juga haha . sekalian belajar bareng , soalnya hari jum'at kita udah UB ( ulangan blok ) so musti belajar banget nih , harus dapet ranking biar masuk 9b amiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn........ yaudah deh blok , gue mau makan abis itu mandi deeeehh.... bbeeeyy !!

suka banget ( pandangan pertama )

hay blog ! gua bingung nih , gua gatau mau nyari dimana ? tapi gua lg suka banget sama rain " the master " ih dia tuh ganteng bangettttttttttttttt , gua ngeliat di tv aja jantung gua udah dag dig dug , kemaren tuh pertama kalinya gua nonton the master ! tapi kalo gua tau ada si RAIN mahh gua nonton terus tuh !! ahhhhhhh gua pengen nonton lagi ahhhhhhhh ..... pengen pokoknya harus MUSTI nonton !! ih , rain !! gua ma dia pandangan pertama lho , pertama mandang di tv hehe ... tapi di tv aja ganteng apalagi aslinya ? awawawawaw

NB ; gua harus tonton the master besok !! jangan sampe lupa !! HARUS !!

cinta dalam hati

mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
mengagumi tanpa di cintai
tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu

telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku

ku ingin kau tahu diriku di sini menanti dirimu
meski ku tunggu hingga ujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja

Minggu, 26 April 2009

when you're gone

I always need time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years
when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

we were made for each other
out here forever
i know we were
yeah yeah
all i wanted was for you to know
everything i do i give my heart and soul
i can hardly breathe i need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

Anak band ?

kenapa sih sekarang sekarang ini lagi musim banget anak band ? apa coba bagusnya jadi anak band ? biasanya anak band itu kan khas sama yang namanya ; WANITA , PLAYBOY , ROKOK , wah ga bener dah .. tapi kenapa makin banyak aja tuh band2 abal yang gampang masuk daftar rekaman ? makin banyak karya musik sih iya , tapi rata2 ko isi liriknya tentang CINTA2an gitu sih , padahal kan ga bagus juga lagi , apalagi sekarang anak2 dibawah umur pada suka dengerin lagu2 kaya gituan , ampe hafal lagi ! tapi emang iya sih , lirik cinta itu efeknya emang dasyat banget . yah tepuk tangan deh buat karya musik anak band Indonesia .. tapi tetep buat gue nilai min (-) buat anak band .
( lelaguan gua haha , padahal banyak band idola gua !! )

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

gotta find you

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Oh yeah
Yeah yeah

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you It'll be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I want to be
Oh next to you... and you next to me
Oh I need to find you... yeah

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Yeah, yeah... I gotta find you

make it mine

Wake up everyone
How can you sleep at a time like this
Unless the dreamer is the real you
Listen to your voice
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue
Lip and the net will appear

I don't wanna wake before
The dream is over
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes i... I know it
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I'll make it all mine

I keep my life on a heavy rotation
Requesting that it's lifting you up
Up up and away
And over to a table at the gratitude cafe

And I am finally there
And all the angels they'll be singing
Ah la la la ah la la la I la la la la love you

I don't wanna break before
The tour is over
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes i...i know it
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I'll make it all mine

And timing's everything
And this time there's plenty
I am balancing
Careful and steady
And reveling in energy that everyone's emitting

I don't wanna wait no more
No I wanna celebrate the whole world
I'm gonna make it mine
Because I'm following your joy
I'm gonna make it mine
Because I... I am open
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I... I'm gonna show it
Yes I'm gonna make it mine
It's mine...
Yes I will make it all mine

sat , 25 apr 2009

Semalem aku sama temen temen mabit di sekolah lho ! duh seru banget deh , apalagi ada kiky vicky si kembar konyol hehe , terus yang paling serunya lagi ada rifky ! ahh seneng banget .. pengen deh mabit lagi , tapi ada satu yang ngebetein ; masa gua ngeliat rifky lagi ngeliatin silmy ;( ah semoga gua cuma salah liat , tapi itu ga cuma sekali tapii berkali - kali , ah bete banget ! gatau apa dia kalo gua cemburu ( hehe ) tapi emang iya gua tuh jeles ma dia , emang sih silmy cantik , baik , anggun lagi ! tapi paling engga jangan ngeliatin depan gua dooong !! nyesek tau ga ? ah gua hadi bete sendiri mikirinnya ! yaa Allah semoga aja yang semalem hamba liat ga bener yaa Allah .. amiiiin ....

tapi tetep sih kemaren tuh seru banget , ya sedih dikit lah ...
tapi semoga aja kemaren gua cuma salah liat , amiiiiiiiiin ....

Kamis, 16 April 2009

sat , 18 april 2009

Sebenernya hari ini aku ga niat buat posting blog , abis aku bingung mau nulis apa ?

Setelah gua perhatiin , ternyata lirik lagu
Ran ft. shila - tunjukan cintamu itu bener bgt tau ;
ku ingin menunjukkan cintaku oh kepada belahan jiwaku ( siapa sih yang gamau nunjukin cintanya buat seseorang buat belahan jiwanya ? ) tlah lama ku menanti waktu untuk mengungkapkan isi hatiku ( semua itu pasti butuh waktu , butuh proses , dan ga cepet buat ngungkapin perasaannya itu ! ) jangan kau berdiam dan menunggu
cinta yang datang menghampirimu
(kita ga boleh diem aja , entar yang ada malah stress !! LEBAY ! ) jika kau hanya berdiam diri hanya rasa sesal yang kan kau rasakan nanti ( tuh , kan nyesel ! makanya lo musti cepat bertindak ! ) CARANYA GAMPANG ; tunjukkanlah rasa cintamu coba buat mereka tahu betapa indahnya dunia bila engkau sedang jatuh cinta . . .

ANYA; berlarilah sekuat kau mampu hingga kau mendapatkan cintaku buktikanlah kau memang mau buatku berikan cinta ini kepadamu . . . di saat matahari bersinar burung-burungpun mulai berkicau cintaku kan selalu membentang untuk kau arungi bersamaku . . showing my love is what baby your love is what i’m looking for need sweet loving and everytime i see you i feel so in love
. . .

Falling In Love !

Kekasihku mendekat padaku
Saat ini ku ingin secara kita berdua
Telah lama disini

Andai saja aku pengantinmu, bahagia pasti di hati
Rengkuh aku bersamamu, malam ini milik kita berdua

Dan ku t'lah jatuh cinta
Ku wanita dan engkau lelaki
Perasaanku berkata, I'm fallin in love

Sang cinta mendekatlah, malam menyanggupi jadi saksi
Hati kecilku berkata, I'm fallin in love, I'm fallin in love

Andai saja aku pengantinmu, bahagia pasti di hati

Jatuh CINTA ternyata memang indah, apalagi bersamamu
Walau aku tak pasti bisa, mendapatkan cintaku

Dan ku t'lah jatuh cinta
Ku wanita dan engkau lelaki
Perasaanku berkata, I'm fallin in love

Sang CINTA mendekatlah , malam menyanggupi jadi saksi
Hati kecilku berkata, I'm fallin in love
I'm fallin in love I'm fallin in love

Senin, 13 April 2009


Hari ini kika ulang tahun lho ! Aduh ga nyangka temen gua udah gede , udah 14tahun .
Pengen deh ngasih dia something tapi yang ga bakal dia lupain , apa yaa ?
Kayanya belom puas deh kemaren kita kerjain dia , abisnya dia juga anaknya iseng sih , jadi gue ma temen2 pengen bales dia abis2an hahaha :D
Tapi lu musti tau kik , kalo kita semua ngelakuin itu semua soalnya kita sayang sama lu ..
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY ya bleh . Maaf yaa kemaren udah ngerjain hehe :)

* semoga kika baca blog gua *


ok akhirnya gua buat blog juga -_-