Sabtu, 27 April 2013


OhMyGod, I can't believe that this eight word is happen to me right now! I'm 'Graduate' \m/ that simple thing right? Moments that you've wanted for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, something that you waiting for so long now happen, yes its happening now!

I graduated, but why i'm not happy as i imagined? I still can't believe that i graduated, finished school, didn't wear a uniform anymore, and the most importantly......... I have to part with them, all my friend in high school. This is a painful reality, i will surely missing you, & i hope oneday we can meet again in better condition... Aaamiiin~ 

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

"Cinta yang sesungguhnya adalah Rahmat, dibenci atau dicintai ia tetap mencintai."

(Habbiburahman El-Shirazy)

The Ribs are Missing

Dear my 'soulmate over the rainbow,

When you come and take my rib that has been borrowed over the years?
Don't you miss me?
I've been waiting you for a long time.
Don't you miss me?
I always wonder, when are you coming?
Don't you miss me?
I'm always waiting, waiting for you to keep your promise.
Perfecting half your worship with me.
Ask me to be your soulmate until die separate us.

(Hasil galau bersama Mira.)

Jumat, 13 April 2012


You turn my whole life so blue,
Drowning me so deep...
I just can reach myself again..

I'm The Angel of Love

Ini adalah foto saya tapi bukan saya. Ini mirip saya, tapi tak mirip saya. Jadi intinya ini siapa?


"I was never in love with someone else
I never had somebody waiting on me
‘Cause you were all of my dreams come true
And I just wish you knew
I was so in love with you~"

"Nyesek adalah sesuatu yang mengakibatkan rasa galau."